Thursday, February 17, 2011

My PMAI Results

After reviewing my results from the PMAI test I better understand where I currently stand as a leader.

My top scores from the test are:
  • Jester
    • I am happy, playful, and full of energy. When it comes to problem solving I think outside the box. I have a trickier side and find fun in every situation. I need to be careful to not be irresponsible and to make sure that my trickery does not get out of hand.
  • Ruler
    • I step up to the plate to be a leader when possible. To solve problems I try to put in place policies. I like to intensify my power. I need to be on guard to ensure that I do not become a dictator as a leader.
  • Creator
    • I am highly imaginative. When problems arise I try to develop a clear path to resolution. I always think of new inventions, and I need to guard against reducing everything to its most simple form.
I am most definitely a combination of the three, leaning most towards Jester, which is exactly what the results stated. In addition to my most prevalent archetypes, the PMAI also gave my least prevalent archetype, orphan. I need to incorporate some of the orphan characteristics to round out my leadership style. The most important area of focus that I found is realism. Orphan leaders are realistic, and my strong archetypes are not.

These survey results seem to be very accurate for how I see myself as a leader. With focus on the weaknesses of the archetypes that are prevalent in my style I can improve myself as a leader.


  1. Hey ADAM
    Isnt it cool how the top 3 they give you are a combination of what you are. Thats what I thought when I read mine. That I am definitly all three but more leaning towards the top one. Your the first one I saw that also had ruler as there top three. There seems to be a lot of jesters in this class which totally describes the personalities of an HTMer.


  2. Congratulation on your CMT!!! Use your talent to influence the union people I think you have good archetypes for that union property. Use your Ruler side to show that you are not afraid to take charge but NOT to show you are the boss. For that purpose show your strongest archetype- the Jester. I think union employees appreciate those kind of leaders who think outside the box and have a sense of humor.
    Once again Congratulation, good luck and of course i will need a free room when i decide to visit Hawaii :)

  3. Hi Adam, I think it's pretty interesting to read your PMAI results, because I got the same exact top three archetypes, just in a different order. I found that I also identified with my top three archetypes, and that my most prevalent ones were a tie between the jester and the creator. It's interesting to see that both of us identified best with those three archetypes, but for slightly different reasons. Congratulations on getting into the CMT program! Hawaii??!! That's amazing and I'm super jealous.
